One of the most surprising elements of working in this industry is the strong sense of community. It was wholly unexpected on my part. Since I was working primarily under the radar for the first months I was here, I didn’t really get a feel for it until I put up my website and, well, broadened my horizons, so to speak.
Just about a week ago I met up with Alice Carroll ( for tea and gossip at one of our favorite spots that is conveniently located smack dab between our incalls. Sunday I went kayaking with Chloe May ( She is just the sweetest princess. I got a call from Ariel Capri ( on Monday during which she referred me a client. He is one of her regulars but since she is in LA right now, I had the pleasure of making his acquaintance. On Monday evening I went to a potluck at Veronica Lake’s ( house that included Gretchen, Bella, Allie, and several other girls (I bet there are a few of you out there that would have killed for an invite to that event which was a bit… wilder than your traditional potluck). Today I received an email from Larrissa ( warning about an unfortunate incident she had with a client and reminding us all to stay safe.
The downside to being in this industry is that not many outside of it can relate to the particular pleasures and stresses of this line of work. It has been an incredible experience to be welcomed so warmly by so many of my lovely colleagues.