Author Archives: Sol Finer

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May you live in interesting times…. Having survived the past year, I think I’ll opt back to boring!! Well, my life is never boring but certainly not like the past 11 months. However, some good news: I have been vaccinated. And I know many of my friends out there have been as well. While I […]

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Happy Happy!

This is your friendly reminder that my birthday is coming up. While I am adamantly against a birthday week or a birthday month (a month, really?? I can’t be the only person that thinks this ‘birthday month’ trend is both preposterous and excessive), I do enjoy a good birthday celebration!! If you are reading this, […]

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Love Letters to SWers

A SWer in Seattle is putting together an art project entitled, “Love Letters to Sex Workers.” (Look for it at SEAF!!) A desk and chair are set up in front of a large wooden framed board. Inside the desk drawers are pads of paper and pens from various hotels. The backboard is covered in plain, […]

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A Quick Note on Pronunciation

My name is Sol. Surprisingly, I get a number of pronunciation variations. I’ve gone over this a number of times but let’s do it again. It is not pronounced like Saul. Nope. Saul is a 77-year old retiree from Boca that is currently playing a very competitive game of shuffleboard (which needs to wrap up […]

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The Sky May Still Be Falling…. Or Not

While much of the initial post-FOSTA/SESTA panic has subsided, the adjustment has been arduous and is ongoing. The landscape of the industry has changed dramatically. The divide between providers and clients has grown. This divide was created with intention by the morality police (I’m looking at you Swanee Hunt.). Previously, providers could chat with prospective […]

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In all likelihood you have heard the clamor in the background of life over the last couple of weeks. The cacophony has been persistent and, seemingly, growing every day. That pullulating maelstrom is the herald of the Whorepocalypse. The sky is falling!! End times are nigh! The rapture is…. Ok, ok, perhaps I am being […]

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The Best Weekend – San Francisco

Like most people, I am a fan of weekend getaways. Quick jaunts to Portland, perhaps a long weekend in Hawaii, or even staying in-state and heading to the Peninsula. Anywhere to get out of Seattle, explore, and have some fun! This past weekend it was San Francisco. The exceptionally lovely Ariel Capri was kind enough […]

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In Praise of Honey Butter

Ok, I am pretty late with this thank you but better late than never, right?!? You may have noticed I have a new website. Pretty spiffy, huh? I think so! Not surprisingly, I did not do this myself. The incredible Cory from Honey Butter is due the credit. He is amazing. Being a type-A means […]

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About Last Night

People ask me about Revel all the time. They want to know ALL the details. Who was there? What happened? Two girls at once? Three? What happened in the jacuzzi?!?! The libertines like to know they have company in their debauchery!!! Unfortunately, it’s difficult to encapsulate an event like Revel in a few words (as any of […]

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Penis Extenders and Scrotox

There are tons of women’s magazines, beauty blogs, and shows about women’s beauty. The products, the regimen, the torture, and so on. However, I came across an article on Vice about penis extenders. In the midst of the article were two videos. One was the video ad for the aforementioned penis extenders and the second […]